Thursday, July 24, 2008

The BIG Hike

In my own effort to bond & promote family unity, may I submit a couple of observations from our recent family vacation? There were no major meltdowns or family fights, no big tell-offs or feats of strength, i.e. leg wrestling, or games of "can you top this". The highlight of the whole week was getting to spend time with Kyle & Betsy & Austin (hopefully their girls will be able to join us next time)...along with Clint & Lisa, of course.

Dayle mentions seeing some interesting folks in Durango. I must have been too preoccupied with something else to give them much notice (like, do you think we can find a clean, bathroom here?...or...I need some chocolate!) Anyway, one of the week's best experience for me was the 9-mile hike I enjoyed with Dayle along the Piedras River. We set out mid-morning with lunch & bottled water in our backpacks. Couldn't believe the beauty before us. Every turn of the trail revealed something new & different. To say it was breathtaking is an understatement. Words can't do it justice. We hiked up & down for 2 1/2 hours, crossed footbridge #3, then (thankfully) sat down on a log in the shade to eat our PB&J sammies & bananananas. Then we were off again. After about 1/4 mile, the trail suddenly narrowed and we stopped to evaluate. Looking down, we saw a large muddy footprint - couldn't tell if it was black bear or mountain lion! Time to go! We retraced our steps and made it back to the trailhead in record time. Along the way, though, we had to detour down to the river to cool our tootsies in the rushing water. Now barefoot, we carefully made our way to a couple of big rocks farther out in the river. After several minutes, we adjusted to the cold water, and Dayle couldn't stand it any longer. She was soon sitting in the river (almost) fully clothed! You'll see the sireeeen in the picture below. We got out, dried off as best we could & Dayle put on the dry shorts I had in my backpack. We made our way down the mountain and back to the car just in time to beat the approaching afternoon shower. Fred, Avo & Josh had been fishing for trout all day. Avo's big event was falling in the water (I would like to have seen that) & bug bites; Fred's big event was catching enough fish for our supper. All in all, a great day, especially after stopping in Pagosa Springs for iced coffee on the way home! yum.

More later.

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