Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Asian M2

If M2 were Asian, I saw her today at Parkland. Same stooped shoulders, same peppery short hair, same rather sparce bushy eyebrows, same super lean/too much skin build. The only difference, Asian M2 doesnt wear glasses and isn't ashamed to show her legs! I can't remember the last time I saw the real M2's legs. Asian M2 is slightly more functional, the real M2 would never venture into Parkland on her own with a smile on her face. I can only imagine the racist remarks that she would be uttering in a place like Parkland. I'm sure the Asian M2 isn't racist but I do wonder if she share's the real M2's love for words. I'll have to ask her for help on a crossword next time I bump into her in the hall to find out...

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