Tuesday, July 29, 2008

First day back

Hey guys,
Remember me telling you about my obsessive compulsive friend at work?
Last week on my first day back I was very busy catching up on e-mails, voice mails, loose ends, etc. Late in the day my boss popped in to say hi. We were having a nice chat about our vacations when Miss OCD showed up at my door. "Kyle, you forgot to give me that report I needed before you went on vacation!!!!!" She left before I could answer her. ---Insert frustrated emoticon here --- Who cares if the report is a few days late? I've never met a deadline I couldn't miss.


Nina said...

ramp it up, bro. surely it was funnier than that!

Dayle said...

i must agree with mom on this one (she did tell me to say this, but it's the truth) let the sarcastic comments flow!!